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Data Recovery - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Data recovery strategies include hot sites, spare or underutilized servers, the use of noncritical servers, duplicate data centers, replacement agreements, and transferring operations to other locations. Data policies and procedures will help to prevent “disasters” caused by users.
Data recovery in a case of fire-damaged Hard Disk Drives and Solid ...
Fortunately, the owners of the drives reacted quickly. All the drives were referred to the data recovery service immediately after they had been recovered. Before any attempts to read the data, the drives were disassembled, and their electronic components were removed and thoroughly cleaned with 99,9% isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
Recovery of waste heat from data centres for decarbonisation of ...
Waste heat recovery from data centres not only saves energy but also reduces GHG emissions, especially if it replaces a fossil-fuel based heat production. In [21] the implications were analysed of abandoning coal in the DH system of Espoo (Finland), and the possibilities for waste heat from data centre to provide a cost-effective external heat ...
Towards a Big Data system disaster recovery in a Private Cloud
While data recovery completion was considered fast (under 650 s for optimize function). Percentage of failure rates should be identified since it is undesirable to lose data in the process of data recovery which can have impacts on businesses. Performance measurement for experiments in Fig. 12 was conducted three times. The percentage of ...
Multi-dimensional imaging data recovery via minimizing the partial sum ...
The tensor, a multi-dimensional extension of the matrix, is an important data format and has been applied in lots of real-world applications, for example, the video data recovery [1], the hyperspectral data recovery and fusion [2], [3], the personalized web search [4], and seismic data reconstruction [5].
Demonstration of all-digital burst clock and data recovery for ...
Burst clock and data recovery (BCDR) has not yet been reported on symmetrical single-wavelength 50 Gb/s PAM-4 PON over the same fiber link based on bandwidth limited optics. Various BCDR techniques have been proposed for Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ)signals, such as phase locked loops (PLL), gated-voltage controlled oscillators (G-VCO) and over ...
A novel method for the recovery of continuous missing data using ...
To examine the practicability of the proposed method, the monitoring data recovery of Egongyan rail transit bridge of China is further performed. This bridge is a self-anchored suspension bridge with a main span of 600 m (see in Fig. 23). The main beam adopts the steel–concrete composite structure, and the main tower is the reinforced ...
An ultra low-power current-mode clock and data recovery design with ...
This paper presents a clock and data recovery (CDR) topology that can adjust the power consumption with its input bit-rate. Current-mode structures are utilized to control the power consumption. The system is comprised of a phase detector, a charge pump, a second-order filter, a voltage-to-current converter, a bias controller, and a current ...
Spatial-temporal traffic speed patterns discovery and incomplete data ...
Missing data is an inevitable and ubiquitous problem in data-driven intelligent transportation systems. While there are several studies on the missing traffic data recovery in the last decade, it is still an open issue of making full use of spatial-temporal traffic patterns to improve recovery performance.
A framework for waste heat energy recovery within data centre
Framework for waste heat recovery within data centre The framework for waste heat recovery within data centre consists of four steps that aim to define a process for the identification and matching of waste heat sources and potential sinks within a data centre facility as shown in Fig.2 and described below: Yang Luo et al. / Energy Procedia 158 ...
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